
A content correlation is a collection of content<->standard relations that encode the curriculum information between collections of content nodes and the curriculum standards nodes.


Field Type Description
copyright_holder String (up to 200) copyright holder - Name of organization that holds the copyright to this content correlation
creator String (up to 200) creator - Person or organization that created this content correlation
description Text description - Detailed info about this content correlation
digitization_method String (up to 200) digitization method - Digitization method
education_levels.all List

all related standards.Term objects

education_levels.count Integer

number of related standards.Term objects

id String (up to 9) id
jurisdiction Jurisdiction

the related standards.Jurisdiction object

- Jurisdiction of content correlations
license Term

the related standards.Term object

license_description Text license description - Description of the licensing of this content correlation
publication_status String (up to 30) publication status
publisher String (up to 200) publisher - The name of the organization publishing the content correlation
relations.all List

all related standards.ContentStandardRelation objects

relations.count Integer

number of related standards.ContentStandardRelation objects

subjects.all List

all related standards.Term objects

subjects.count Integer

number of related standards.Term objects

title String (up to 200) title - The publicly visible title for this content correlation
version String (up to 200) version - Content correlation versioning info

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