
An individual standard entry within the a standards document.


Field Type Description
canonical_uri URL canonical uri - URI for the standard node used when publishing
children.all List

all related standards.StandardNode objects

children.count Integer

number of related standards.StandardNode objects

concept_keywords String (up to 500) concept keywords - Free form, comma-separated keywords
concept_terms.all List

all related standards.Term objects

concept_terms.count Integer

number of related standards.Term objects

content_rels.all List

all related standards.ContentStandardRelation objects

content_rels.count Integer

number of related standards.ContentStandardRelation objects

date_created Date (with time) date created - When the node was added to repository
date_modified Date (with time) date modified - Date of last modification to node
description Text description - Primary text that describes this node
document StandardsDocument

the related standards.StandardsDocument object

education_levels.all List

all related standards.Term objects

education_levels.count Integer

number of related standards.Term objects

extra_fields A JSON object extra fields
id String (up to 9) id
kind Term

the related standards.Term object

language String (up to 20) language - BCP47/RFC5646 codes like en, es, fr-CA.
level Positive integer level
lft Positive integer lft
list_id String (up to 50) list id - A character or symbol denoting the node position with a list
notation String (up to 200) notation - A human-referenceable code for this node
notes Text notes - Additional notes and supporting text
parent StandardNode

the related standards.StandardNode object

path String (up to 200) path - Full path of node. Usually ends in notation.
rght Positive integer rght
sort_order Floating point number sort order
source_id String (up to 100) source id - An external identifier (usually part of source_uri)
source_rels.all List

all related standards.StandardNodeRelation objects

source_rels.count Integer

number of related standards.StandardNodeRelation objects

source_uri URL source uri - External URI for imported standard nodes
subjects.all List

all related standards.Term objects

subjects.count Integer

number of related standards.Term objects

target_rels.all List

all related standards.StandardNodeRelation objects

target_rels.count Integer

number of related standards.StandardNodeRelation objects

title String (up to 200) title - An optional heading or abbreviated description
tree_id Positive integer tree id

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