
A standard document identified by a unique name and id that stores the info extracted from a source document at source_doc and contains a hierarchy of StandardNode s.


Field Type Description
canonical_uri URL canonical uri - URI for the document used when publishing
copyright_holder String (up to 200) copyright holder - Name of organization that holds the copyright to the document
date_created Date (with time) date created - When the standards document was added to repository.
date_modified Date (with time) date modified - Date of last modification to document metadata.
date_retired Date (without time) date retired - Date when document stops being valid
date_valid Date (without time) date valid - Date when document started being valid
description Text description - Detailed info about this document
digitization_method String (up to 200) digitization method - Digitization method
education_levels.all List

all related standards.Term objects

education_levels.count Integer

number of related standards.Term objects

extra_fields A JSON object extra fields
id String (up to 9) id
jurisdiction Jurisdiction

the related standards.Jurisdiction object

- Jurisdiction of standards document
language String (up to 20) language - BCP47/RFC5646 codes like en, es, fr-CA.
license Term

the related standards.Term object

license_description Text license description - Full text of the document's licensing information
name String (up to 200) name - A short, unique name for the document, e.g. CCSS.Math
notes Text notes - Additional notes about the document
publication_status String (up to 30) publication status
publisher String (up to 200) publisher - The name of the organization publishing the document
source_doc URL source doc - Where the data of this document was imported from
source_id String (up to 100) source id - An external identifier (usually part of source_uri)
source_uri URL source uri - External URI for imported document
standardnodes.all List

all related standards.StandardNode objects

standardnodes.count Integer

number of related standards.StandardNode objects

subjects.all List

all related standards.Term objects

subjects.count Integer

number of related standards.Term objects

title String (up to 200) title - The full title of the document
version String (up to 200) version - Document version or edition

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