Generalize place value underst..(SArZev8)
Fit a function to the data; us..(SJfH4Nk)
(+) Derive the formula A = 1/2..(SXFYLwT)
Prove theorems about triangles..(Sku7fdD)
Describe situations in which o..(S34sBo4i)
doc root..(S3SH6H3a)
Lines are taken to lines, and ..(S3beZxLQ)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(S3mXwywZ)
Understand the relationship be..(S3z5Eemh)
Write a function that describe..(S44sXUSd)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(S4849D25)
Identify and describe shapes (..(S4bffBFd)
Know the formulas for the area..(S4g5dqHS)
Construct and interpret scatte..(S4vzyYeY)
Apply properties of operations..(S4zha66E)
Distinguish between situations..(S5J7DEcU)
Solve problems involving measu..(S5SsFhHU)
Understand that polynomials fo..(S5XMR32y)
Graph points on the coordinate..(S5hhh8J6)
Display numerical data in plot..(S5s2BWPF)
Understand ratio concepts and ..(S6KDdiHg)
Understand that solutions to a..(S6RxKyRD)
Read and write decimals to tho..(S6efgsDY)
Convert among different-sized ..(S6pbj73M)
Give an informal argument for ..(S7RBtHoN)
(+) Recognize vector quantitie..(S7TrNBbp)
Generate measurement data by m..(S7gnphMA)
Interpret products of whole nu..(S7hqygWt)
Interpret and compute quotient..(S7uJUork)
Find the area of a rectangle w..(S8UQ5Rq7)
Understand solving an equation..(S8abVnYu)
Give examples of linear equati..(S8pn9QEw)
Represent addition and subtrac..(S8tSYhTk)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(S8vjZmoR)
Generate two numerical pattern..(S8waYdsi)
Know number names and the coun..(S92ebzWB)
Count to 120, starting at any ..(S96iMjnM)
Understand that attributes bel..(S97i9pBL)
Find the volume of a right rec..(S9MkVUn8)
Extend the domain of trigonome..(S9WWvGvN)
Determine an explicit expressi..(S9ZB32pi)
Measure and estimate lengths i..(S9nVnsR5)
Describe events as subsets of ..(SA2aSE7Z)
Solve two-step word problems u..(SA3zuA5Y)
Derive the equation of a circl..(SAa2RKvj)
Recognize the purposes of and ..(SAqeBkrT)
Reason quantitatively and use ..(SBDZBZPp)
Draw a scaled picture graph an..(SBcAnx2T)
Understand statistics as a pro..(SBs6Yt2a)
Understand that the probabilit..(SBwaCKwq)
Explain why the sum or product..(SCQhVQoE)
Add and subtract fractions wit..(SD2RFn5L)
Understand a fraction a/b with..(SD6bfmuK)
Comparing the size of a produc..(SDDroiJq)
Recognize and draw shapes havi..(SDMcrV9e)
Express a fraction with denomi..(SDUU4ncq)
Compose and decompose numbers ..(SDu7KzP5)
Reason with shapes and their a..(SDvDgPTb)
Convert like measurement units..(SE8aa6o7)
(+) Define a random variable f..(SEHBq5n2)
Understand the concept of a ra..(SEKAdb7F)
Know and apply the properties ..(SEcAq48a)
Construct and compare linear, ..(SEcH8CcQ)
Summarize categorical data for..(SEdo6A5A)
Fluently multiply multi-digit ..(SEjJ9qMN)
Write and evaluate numerical e..(SEm994vQ)
Understand and evaluate random..(SEwdiNNc)
Graph linear and quadratic fun..(SF2ykh6z)
Factor a quadratic expression ..(SFLnjocn)
Represent and solve problems i..(SFPLRUjn)
Understand that the three digi..(SFTrDFxU)
Interpret parts of an expressi..(SFV5thPg)
Recognize opposite signs of nu..(SFYVy7xD)
Calculate expected values and ..(SFjxogZX)
Informally assess the degree o..(SFy3fUL6)
Solve real world and mathemati..(SG6UDjhy)
Use coordinates to prove simpl..(SGLYWrWa)
Interpret expressions that rep..(SGLdakJo)
Investigate patterns of associ..(SGN9FuBQ)
Reason with shapes and their a..(SGe3eU6s)
Reason with shapes and their a..(SGfWYnjm)
Prove theorems about lines and..(SGsS5ZV6)
Understand place value...(SGwTzxuq)
Analyze proportional relations..(SHCTRgE8)
Relate counting to addition an..(SHDjRxim)
An angle is measured with refe..(SHHLotT3)
Fluently divide multi-digit nu..(SHHo6kG7)
(+) Weigh the possible outcome..(SHUa2ej8)
Understand congruence and simi..(SHfQGdJC)
Interpret division of a unit f..(SHjkTmVV)
Use the four operations with w..(SHnsCDnJ)
Use a pair of perpendicular nu..(SJ5de68q)
Work with radicals and integer..(SJMK3ApG)
Explain each step in solving a..(SJMruRa8)
Fluently add and subtract with..(SJPjUf2h)
Draw and identify lines and an..(SJwT9q6a)
Organize, represent, and inter..(SJwgXsWj)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SKP4kAZu)
Use equivalent fractions as a ..(SKpmkiKR)
Determine whether a group of o..(SLJrxs8m)
Order three objects by length;..(SLWnuPW5)
Draw, construct, and describe ..(SLiijXib)
Tell and write time to the nea..(SME784q8)
Perform arithmetic operations ..(SMPRutGg)
Add within 100, including addi..(SMQGE72Z)
Derive using similarity the fa..(SMbfNQwG)
Understand that, just as with ..(SMbx2eYu)
Interpret statements of inequa..(SMwmpkG5)
Know relative sizes of measure..(SNXH5nVM)
Represent scalar multiplicatio..(SNhkXdVz)
Represent a fraction 1/b on a ..(SPC4UVqV)
Analyze and compare two- and t..(SPFv7w2R)
(+) Represent complex numbers ..(SPTyELBM)
Extend the counting sequence...(SQCqjfMm)
Fluently add and subtract mult..(SQEBPMCD)
Fluently multiply and divide w..(SQJ7cQUN)
Rewrite simple rational expres..(SQLQAeWj)
Develop a uniform probability ..(SQNZ2Yer)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SQVFmC6V)
Prove polynomial identities an..(SQieqGjW)
Apply geometric concepts in mo..(SQnYh7gy)
Apply properties of operations..(SQq5xSod)
Use random sampling to draw in..(SR7RGG8H)
Choose trigonometric functions..(SRCpyYMT)
Represent and model with vecto..(SRGFkF5a)
Know that numbers that are not..(SRJtjMrV)
Use addition and subtraction w..(SRVMQWiZ)
Solve problems involving measu..(SRnMwLVH)
Interpret the product (a/b) × ..(SRp57NLX)
Extend understanding of fracti..(SRtRZGNQ)
Understand and apply theorems ..(SRwJtWU3)
Understand that positive and n..(SS25ZpNk)
Recognize angles as geometric ..(SSFB5LHu)
Solve linear equations in one ..(SSSGuusA)
Understand radian measure of a..(SSWUoLNJ)
Use the method of completing t..(SSYvY8VV)
Know that there are numbers th..(SSgjJcAg)
Find all factor pairs for a wh..(SSjUdV65)
Understand a fraction 1/b as t..(ST7uZYQk)
Find the expected payoff for a..(STCWRBJG)
Know and apply the Remainder T..(STCZdGHp)
Counting and Cardinality..(STbhQpoV)
Tell and write time in hours a..(SToYHcfN)
Represent and solve problems i..(SU7iZ3RD)
Understand that by similarity,..(SUYqjVxv)
Write expressions that record ..(SUgfGbk4)
Use place value understanding ..(SUgq4JAQ)
Perform arithmetic operations ..(SUmgYP3t)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(SUopjhii)
Understand that a function fro..(SUygRdob)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(SV3c2ckL)
Define, evaluate, and compare ..(SVBmn8Bc)
Understand that statistics can..(SVNcdtiV)
Prove the Pythagorean identity..(SVXVtFeH)
Find the area of right triangl..(SVc8Suza)
Choose and produce an equivale..(SVhzcG5y)
Understand similarity in terms..(SVohDHGD)
Represent and solve problems i..(SVqVd6Lc)
Count to 100 by ones and by te..(SVvHk4Da)
Solve linear equations and ine..(SW7RdEEn)
Apply properties of operations..(SWJLjavR)
Understand the concept of a fu..(SWL2j7Z9)
Find the conditional probabili..(SWMEnzVj)
Understand independence and co..(SWS2tZMH)
A cube with side length 1 unit..(SWooEJGx)
Identify the effect on the gra..(SXBUmgcZ)
Understand the place value sys..(SXBiv2we)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SXBkctkx)
Recognize that in a multi-digi..(SXTHRpW7)
Reporting the number of observ..(SXTKCt4P)
Make formal geometric construc..(SXYSgv6F)
Recognize that in a multi-digi..(SXa5rjJF)
Develop understanding of fract..(SXdxjTAA)
Seeing Structure in Expression..(SXoDsogJ)
A square with side length 1 un..(SXoWW3cp)
Develop understanding of stati..(SYQHPR3S)
Use parentheses, brackets, or ..(SYWYbpWR)
Understand that the two digits..(SYZEohSY)
Solve multi-step real-life and..(SYiKfKzP)
Understand that multiplication..(SZtZdYGK)
Decide whether two quantities ..(SaDNr7Mq)
Understand solving equations a..(SaDbjjtB)
Interpret the parameters in a ..(SaKjKTUn)
Understand addition and subtra..(SaRMiCzw)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SaoRg4rV)
Interpreting Categorical and Q..(Saz2cy3c)
Verify experimentally the prop..(SbQt2tgs)
Translate between the geometri..(SbjPXHSx)
Prove that all circles are sim..(SboWPRq9)
Identify whether the number of..(Sbqj4jTg)
Explain a proof of the Pythago..(ScFeVab2)
Interpret the slope (rate of c..(ScHFees7)
Recognize a statistical questi..(ScRDiZ8A)
Identify the shapes of two-dim..(ScVq6Azw)
Describe and compare measurabl..(Scm3g3BK)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(Scp5BJz6)
Make a line plot to display a ..(ScvViiU5)
Measure lengths indirectly and..(Sd9ptXsJ)
Build a function that models a..(SdTRBtLk)
Use geometric shapes, their me..(SdZPEos6)
100 can be thought of as a bun..(Sdoeq9J4)
Use units as a way to understa..(SeDTh7NZ)
Interpret a multiplication equ..(SeLoyeaC)
Make a line plot to display a ..(SeRgDgK5)
Prove that linear functions gr..(SeavNEnU)
Construct a function to model ..(SeoMa9gZ)
A dilation takes a line not pa..(Sev3qQEB)
Use addition and subtraction w..(SfEmui8w)
The Real Number System..(SfLGSrw2)
Create equations that describe..(SfSV7vbp)
Use place value understanding ..(SfTLvJZn)
Distinguish between defining a..(SfXMuYiM)
Know there is a complex number..(SfYEF57a)
Draw points, lines, line segme..(SfdE4EFC)
Make tables of equivalent rati..(SfukFpsr)
Summarize, represent, and inte..(SgD7a4qR)
Solve an equation of the form ..(SgPsUphn)
(+) Add and subtract vectors...(SgU9MLsb)
Explain volume formulas and us..(SgqX8BvC)
Compute unit rates associated ..(SgycVe7s)
Use addition and subtraction w..(ShNxPgJF)
Classify objects into given ca..(ShQ73jtN)
Experiment with transformation..(ShTBkJG9)
Verify experimentally the prop..(ShXPZWPL)
Interpret a fraction as divisi..(ShmBkPCp)
Graph functions expressed symb..(ShnMDK98)
Prove that, given a system of ..(ShogPHwk)
Solve word problems leading to..(Shr4qHB5)
Work with numbers 11—19 to gai..(ShsxuvvN)
Use the process of factoring a..(Si6bRY2j)
Measure the length of an objec..(SiCBHQka)
Tell and write time from analo..(SiF9hVAs)
Use properties of operations t..(SiFVXDeS)
Recognize volume as an attribu..(SiVThqGh)
When counting objects, say the..(SicJmZS5)
Generate a number or shape pat..(Sirv43UD)
Use variables to represent two..(Sj3RwxPu)
Know the formulas for the volu..(Sj6aDKvz)
Interpreting Functions..(Sj9fQLRC)
Use geometric descriptions of ..(SjCR3RDA)
Recognize area as an attribute..(SjKGbBJr)
Understand addition as putting..(SjRz3kTt)
Interpret the structure of exp..(SjhDApLX)
Understand that shapes in diff..(SjkRgHsu)
Graph proportional relationshi..(Sjn5pq6X)
Describe objects in the enviro..(SjqdGCB9)
Solve problems involving scale..(Sk8jTE6J)
Explain why a fraction a/b is ..(SkAUrjzT)
Write and interpret numerical ..(SkEZE7kR)
Represent data with plots on t..(SkM9seAq)
Describe measurable attributes..(SkNaQJMP)
10 can be thought of as a bund..(SkVSk8RT)
Grade 1..(Skm6yxdY)
Understand two fractions as eq..(SktSwPR9)
Explain how the definition of ..(SmEKbz5f)
Fluently add and subtract with..(SmRajZyh)
Know precise definitions of an..(SmhptHmn)
For a function that models a r..(SmxPuEDW)
(+) Use matrices to represent ..(Sn9EUDde)
Grade K..(SnDcnLxB)
Add vectors end-to-end, compon..(SnLNuECo)
Create equations and inequalit..(SnPjbaS6)
Extend the properties of expon..(Sne7m2Af)
Understand that the graph of a..(SnkXepw8)
Solve quadratic equations with..(Snn8fFeH)
Understand a fraction a/b as a..(So7X5C5i)
Understand the meaning of the ..(SoDUg3K8)
Understand that a function is ..(SoNgjvkp)
Use place value understanding ..(S4XfFDc)
Interpret whole-number quotien..(S79yyRL)
Use variables to represent qua..(SBWtAxj)
Perform operations with multi-..(SGRa4Ax)
Derive the equation of a parab..(STbj9zY)
Compare properties of two func..(SsbmJCq)
Represent and interpret data...(S3Cv2fqx)
Develop a probability model (w..(S3LV7cEJ)
Given a two-digit number, ment..(S3kEjXPj)
Relate addition and subtractio..(S3pUqbQS)
Arithmetic with Polynomials an..(S4WkuN35)
Multiply or divide to solve wo..(S4ocJ5ob)
An angle that turns through n ..(S4qUb7Ra)
(+) Understand that restrictin..(S5C2Q36E)
Grade 1..(S5Mdav7v)
Informally assess the fit of a..(S5bguzRK)
Angles are taken to angles of ..(S5dAuDWK)
Apply the formulas V = l × w ×..(S5xqwm9T)
Represent sample spaces for co..(S64iLVme)
Measure volumes by counting un..(S6Px9PRG)
Summarize and describe distrib..(S6oe6TUB)
Find the area of a rectangle w..(S6omGUCy)
Use probability to evaluate ou..(S6uncRDC)
Solve systems of linear equati..(S6vcGnEq)
Use place value understanding ..(S76ctUeA)
Identify and describe relation..(S7ByKNnU)
Understand a multiple of a/b a..(S7cGqsbq)
Understand congruence in terms..(S82wnGpt)
Decompose a fraction into a su..(S82zdonP)
(+) Prove the addition and sub..(S86aeety)
Model shapes in the world by b..(S87xuATD)
Solve word problems involving ..(S8bj4VcY)
Directly compare two objects w..(S8fayuxf)
Given two figures, use the def..(S8xKzWbB)
Understand the concept of a un..(S936UhgH)
Represent complex numbers and ..(S98zbNZV)
Perform operations on vectors...(S9HrTEcr)
Understand that the last numbe..(S9LHnvmb)
Use coordinates to prove simpl..(S9Mebowq)
Analyze, compare, create, and ..(S9PrQ5br)
Building Functions..(S9mFy2Dv)
(+) Prove the Laws of Sines an..(S9o8dxJ4)
Prove theorems about triangles..(S9udYbHP)
Use congruence and similarity ..(SA77MPfR)
Decide if a specified model is..(SA7LQxzA)
Represent and interpret data...(SAHawxGk)
Model periodic phenomena with ..(SATsuu63)
Understand that a set of data ..(SAWD6P4e)
Construct an equilateral trian..(SB6Lb2Uf)
Recognize and generate simple ..(SBgC9UcU)
Add up to four two-digit numbe..(SBtsYk2i)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SByk6tCh)
Describing the nature of the a..(SC9ywXB8)
Write a function defined by an..(SCAxSLhk)
Solve real-life and mathematic..(SCMAsM6y)
(+) Multiply a vector by a sca..(SCPWZv6Q)
Use function notation, evaluat..(SCSyYmkd)
Describe qualitatively the fun..(SCh69cuN)
Understand a rational number a..(SDcbRZNe)
Gain familiarity with factors ..(SDdHxCnh)
Apply concepts of density base..(SDdPq6PS)
Complete the square in a quadr..(SDpU4C2F)
Solve real-life and mathematic..(SEMEuypd)
Find whole-number quotients of..(SEQwGXR3)
Understand subtraction as an u..(SEVB7Eue)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SErM5xQq)
Use the structure of an expres..(SF5f7JAK)
Solve systems of two linear eq..(SFHkZyFj)
Determine the unknown whole nu..(SFMc7kRD)
Solve unit rate problems inclu..(SFNBBZtw)
Partition a rectangle into row..(SFRaGV8E)
Ratios and Proportional Relati..(SFbSKhxD)
Measure and estimate liquid vo..(SFtS9HfJ)
Interpret division of a whole ..(SGEfbZfQ)
(+) Give an informal argument ..(SHNNHtaX)
Reason about and solve one-var..(SHeg6Y2G)
Build fractions from unit frac..(SHhY3EC9)
Summarize numerical data sets ..(SHu8ouqR)
Tell and write time...(SHvJC2Lz)
Understand properties of multi..(SJ3UhNa6)
Draw a picture graph and a bar..(SJQkif6y)
Compare two fractions with dif..(SJXfrkKt)
Interpret functions that arise..(SJnnzQya)
Use the relation i² = -1 and t..(SJoxUfG4)
Write arithmetic and geometric..(SJs4Tvjo)
Add and subtract within 20...(SJsGacTk)
Explaining why multiplying a g..(SKCcyDLs)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SKJAwKga)
Define appropriate quantities ..(SKJkZUYU)
(+) Understand that rational e..(SKSxUSmz)
Make inferences and justify co..(SKkCosyG)
Use the four operations to sol..(SKpUW47X)
Use decimal notation for fract..(SLKfrwxZ)
Read and write multi-digit who..(SLMbheL5)
Explain why the x-coordinates ..(SLcJ6gpZ)
Represent transformations in t..(SLeaJn3E)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SLegpBdn)
Prove the slope criteria for p..(SLghqSF4)
Rewrite expressions involving ..(SLkvFixc)
Explain and use the relationsh..(SM5GSSnW)
Solve word problems that call ..(SMKYVgKX)
Correctly name shapes regardle..(SMWYcXDa)
(+) Find the components of a v..(SMuc2EJX)
Use addition to find the total..(SN8Bkmmn)
Count to answer "how many?" qu..(SNNzi44r)
Write simple expressions that ..(SNWPJ253)
Evaluate and compare strategie..(SNYvB5Zz)
Given two vectors in magnitude..(SNZDgXdN)
Classify two-dimensional figur..(SNheB6B8)
Add and subtract within 20, de..(SNknTbnh)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SP3oCVez)
Explain patterns in the number..(SP59e5Uf)
(+) Know and apply the Binomia..(SPAonBK9)
Count forward beginning from a..(SPUhnkn8)
Visualize relationships betwee..(SPwGdocs)
Explain how the unit circle in..(SQ3VTw77)
Fluently add, subtract, multip..(SQDoj9SZ)
Use similar triangles to expla..(SQP5UY6H)
Find inverse functions...(SQtDcJss)
Compare two numbers between 1 ..(SR4A7jDb)
(+) Verify by composition that..(SRN4eFhg)
Interpret complicated expressi..(SRRVv82e)
Understand and apply propertie..(SRSWwAuL)
Solve quadratic equations in o..(SRuteXQu)
Find arc lengths and areas of ..(SS7sh82D)
Graph square root, cube root, ..(SSBEyM3E)
Solve quadratic equations by i..(SSKGrTA9)
Solve addition and subtraction..(SSNKaViY)
Compute fluently with multi-di..(SSRxNJa7)
Interpret expressions for func..(SScoLTTy)
Apply the Pythagorean Theorem ..(SSmk9zXz)
Use functions to model relatio..(SSmzDExA)
Write, interpret, and explain ..(STDsouPr)
Understand the connections bet..(STKQnQAT)
Recognize situations in which ..(STL97DYi)
Identify the constant of propo..(STLz4LKk)
Represent whole numbers as len..(STRDLvmz)
Build new functions from exist..(STY7hyB8)
The numbers 100, 200, 300, 400..(SUEZuB6w)
Use facts about supplementary,..(SUJwrefQ)
Classify objects and count the..(SUMdJQ6r)
Solve word problems leading to..(SUZQyVkk)
The numbers from 11 to 19 are ..(SUxc7qks)
Compute (using technology) and..(SVAEqT5c)
Use data from a sample survey ..(SVJYKzi9)
Classify two-dimensional figur..(SVQQxUaD)
Making Inferences and Justifyi..(SVV3RZEN)
Draw informal comparative infe..(SW2LAd7U)
(+) Multiply matrices by scala..(SW2uWomq)
Ratios and Proportional Relati..(SWNuBT5k)
Identify arithmetic patterns (..(SWUxEGtu)
Measure angles in whole-number..(SWYu9Cxi)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SWcNceyR)
Understand that rewriting an e..(SWiZqRB2)
Identify parts of an expressio..(SWnjLDEs)
(+) Represent addition, subtra..(SX8CEVuJ)
Apply the Addition Rule, P(A o..(SXTVPNgK)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SXXXeHMN)
Understand a fraction as a num..(SXatuHNE)
Solve simple rational and radi..(SXm5hbiu)
Solve equations and inequaliti..(SXzYBSHt)
Understand division as an unkn..(SYBiU6A4)
Use data from a random sample ..(SYDTMePV)
Know that straight lines are w..(SYWUWG4W)
Understand p + q as the number..(SYcCM4xG)
Partition shapes into parts wi..(SYdW8m48)
Understand the relationship be..(SYhFdYzA)
Find the volume of a right rec..(SYhhBm3o)
Prove theorems involving simil..(SZBnwLSi)
Represent and interpret data...(SZLNnQBu)
Solve linear equations with ra..(SZb9h76X)
Recognize and represent propor..(SZyfVrsb)
Write expressions in equivalen..(Sa3gqzcF)
(+) Calculate the expected val..(SaX4HxSU)
Understand that two events A a..(SaiHGSvD)
Summarize, represent, and inte..(SbKfXqui)
Use square root and cube root ..(SbNHB2Rt)
Use variables to represent num..(SbckUxCJ)
Write, read, and evaluate expr..(Sbn96Ar5)
Compose two-dimensional shapes..(Sc8q96Ve)
Understand signs of numbers in..(ScTbS9Cu)
Construct linear and exponenti..(ScXXZMUe)
Use statistics appropriate to ..(SdLvJEoq)
The Number System..(SdcMN528)
Use the rules of probability t..(Sds73Cvq)
Understand place value...(SeFUu2yU)
Fluently add and subtract with..(SeNEQpGJ)
Solve word problems involving ..(SesjtKXo)
Measure the length of an objec..(SeuDnKAX)
Multiply side lengths to find ..(Sf7ennYr)
Use the definition of congruen..(SfDKxqB2)
Measure areas by counting unit..(SfFUrGmQ)
Use properties of rational and..(SfJB4PT7)
Classify two-dimensional figur..(SfW7WEp5)
(+) Extend polynomial identiti..(Sg4BwGuD)
(+) Use probabilities to make ..(Sg6aw4Hr)
Understand that integers can b..(SgQHiV9V)
Analyze patterns and relations..(SgsyedeX)
Derive the formula for the sum..(Sgte3kfE)
Apply and extend previous unde..(Sh4hYwT8)
Use measures of center and mea..(ShEJTh6c)
Approximate the probability of..(ShYJxxiL)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SheBuve8)
The dilation of a line segment..(Si4CFjzs)
Count within 1000; skip-count ..(SiJJJux8)
Express the length of an objec..(SiiCoAGP)
Similarity, Right Triangles, a..(SiswYttA)
Relate the domain of a functio..(Sj5gf2aC)
Represent data on two quantita..(SjJFMXN6)
Analyze and solve pairs of sim..(SjqvsFy3)
Count to tell the number of ob..(SkTbXTMK)
A solid figure which can be pa..(Skx2fd4d)
Understand and apply the Pytha..(Sm3RF6TQ)
Identify zeros of polynomials ..(SmKbyWco)
Compare two decimals to thousa..(SmRimviy)
Represent a fraction a/b on a ..(SmVWKiiU)
Use rational approximations of..(Smu7b8Wu)
Understand that a two-dimensio..(Sn9DPHBy)
Generate measurement data by m..(SnEAKeg5)
Multiply a whole number of up ..(SnG2wLWb)
Compare two two-digit numbers ..(SnG8mTNT)
Combine standard function type..(SnJmcbg6)
Create equations in two or mor..(SnPi9Kpj)
Compute the magnitude of a sca..(SnQpyerx)
Represent real world and mathe..(SnThfCL3)
Draw (freehand, with ruler and..(Sntexs7i)
A plane figure which can be co..(So7WST6k)
Use the properties of exponent..(SoKSmj9q)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(SoTj4FaM)
Grade 2..(SQhUZbb)
Represent constraints by equat..(STjEkWy)
Solve word problems involving ..(Sf2UXe8)
Compare two decimals to hundre..(SsDcZvo)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(S3GPYJrZ)
Prove geometric theorems..(S3YAWtFz)
The Number System..(S3kBTc9d)
(+) Develop a probability dist..(S3oz8TVj)
Measurement and Data..(S3wKKmQq)
(+) Use inverse functions to s..(S4H3H9BE)
Construct the inscribed and ci..(S4HH8C3S)
Measurement and Data..(S4ezJyKp)
Describe the effect of dilatio..(S4kQpZyw)
Understand that each successiv..(S5JLkFPQ)
Understand ordering and absolu..(S5UpQNn8)
Parallel lines are taken to pa..(S5sYs7fr)
Apply the Pythagorean Theorem ..(S6oENnxW)
Express whole numbers as fract..(S724FPXj)
Graph the solutions to a linea..(S79KyaAd)
Use multiplication and divisio..(S7LtaD4S)
Represent and analyze quantita..(S7PCDwEn)
Apply and extend previous unde..(S7XhJzPv)
Use ratio and rate reasoning t..(S7efueBr)
Compare numbers...(S7xReQdH)
Apply the properties of operat..(S8ELtAR8)
Use trigonometric ratios and t..(S8Kpi9T9)
Use volume formulas for cylind..(S8Nvycar)
(+) Compose functions...(S8ZZaeGn)
Add, subtract, multiply, and d..(S8iYLWFJ)
Represent proportional relatio..(S8ybmtNQ)
Use complex numbers in polynom..(S9NbmkVh)
(+) Derive the equations of el..(S9gQVCQm)
Add and subtract mixed numbers..(S9s7jyeE)
Multiply one-digit whole numbe..(SA6r6t4s)
Conditional Probability and th..(SA7cdcU8)
Expressions and Equations..(SALBcXWA)
Measurement and Data..(SAR8UjZL)
Subtract multiples of 10 in th..(SAs2kq4s)
(+) Use special triangles to d..(SB8yb6LN)
Given a rectangle, parallelogr..(SBR5ijXw)
Solve systems of equations..(SBqF2kX2)
(+) Apply the general Multipli..(SCALcEBF)
Graph polynomial functions, id..(SChiYqWR)
Design and use a simulation to..(SDonLyM4)
(+) Analyze decisions and stra..(SDxYwYyE)
Analyze functions using differ..(SDyrVP8T)
Generate and analyze patterns...(SECGDZaw)
(+) Understand the inverse rel..(SEhoJaKj)
Geometric measurement: underst..(SEqjr5Tz)
Read and write numbers to 1000..(SFUQfcQu)
Understand the conditional pro..(SGgGM4AQ)
Use numbers expressed in the f..(SGhWkb2C)
Read, write, and compare decim..(SGx7Nh2J)
Prove theorems about parallelo..(SHhbubWA)
Use the equation of a linear m..(SHjoaZXD)
Represent and interpret data...(SHuYjwKK)
(+) Solve problems involving v..(SJAn3NXM)
Recognize volume as additive. ..(SJFdex4a)
Apply the area and perimeter f..(SKE6vvnH)
Identify shapes as two-dimensi..(SKo6GJqG)
Perform operations on matrices..(SLKj4mkZ)
Geometric measurement: underst..(SLd3ETmL)
Measurement and Data..(SLpHMvvJ)
Add and subtract within 20...(SMJbbnas)
Analyze and solve linear equat..(SMZVEK6q)
The Complex Number System..(SMgdAL25)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(SNZMRnNL)
Distinguish between correlatio..(SNb8G4Xo)
(+) Know the Fundamental Theor..(SNm3JEV2)
Calculate and interpret the av..(SPq97UEk)
Creating Equations..(SPrzYxMv)
The Number System..(SQQHD8zR)
Use the properties of similari..(SQqo9Usq)
(+) Add, subtract, and multipl..(SS8avkpe)
Use place value understanding ..(SSe7W9GN)
Find a percent of a quantity a..(SSptAaVW)
Use polynomial identities to s..(STHnD2mz)
Linear, Quadratic, and Exponen..(STRwBdyP)
Recognize situations in which ..(STef8bKB)
Relate area to the operations ..(SVBoXiZw)
Add and subtract within 1000, ..(SVR8e3bn)
Apply properties of operations..(SVkjgTb9)
Giving quantitative measures o..(SWMySF3R)
Use place value understanding ..(SWeXDmzj)
Draw polygons in the coordinat..(SXL8aPqM)
Find the point on a directed l..(SXZYRjkt)
Understand vector subtraction ..(SXcJUhWA)
Use data from a randomized exp..(SXdE7unZ)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(SXePjZYH)
Understand subtraction of rati..(SXtuU4M4)
(+) Calculate the distance bet..(SXzrdfYj)
Recognize that a measure of ce..(SY4WzS9B)
Evaluate expressions at specif..(SYZPuYW9)
Define trigonometric ratios an..(SYcDoQPg)
Apply geometric methods to sol..(SaNawGNF)
Work with time and money...(SagNNFtK)
Explain how the criteria for t..(SamF9Tv3)
Use proportional relationships..(SbEFGy99)
Compose simple shapes to form ..(SbQpHqDg)
Find whole-number quotients an..(SbUt9iQQ)
Interpret the equation y = mx ..(ScdY6xj4)
Observe using graphs and table..(ScjFQaXo)
Relate volume to the operation..(SdV6z26R)
Solve multistep word problems ..(SdxsGHSu)
Investigate chance processes a..(SeFdewyn)
The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50..(SeZ86XiS)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(Sf5sdEQM)
Interpret differences in shape..(SfbDY73P)
Partition circles and rectangl..(SgAvfsRy)
Recognize a line of symmetry f..(SgmeYEsi)
Multiply and divide within 100..(Sgzu3eMi)
Estimate lengths using units o..(Sh5UJ5Wr)
Solve a simple system consisti..(Sh8id9As)
Use the properties of exponent..(ShWjBcEC)
Partition circles and rectangl..(ShngxPrr)
Develop a probability model an..(Shnjc4XP)
Find and position integers and..(SiUG9coG)
Understand decimal notation fo..(SjA8LVdB)
Interpret linear models..(SjTNLbFq)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SjWqcJri)
Interpret multiplication as sc..(Sjb9eZEd)
Write numbers from 0 to 20. Re..(SjdE3moR)
Choose a level of accuracy app..(Sjt2DX3S)
Compare properties of two func..(SkDbDfrB)
Prove and apply trigonometric ..(SkrjGuUi)
Describe the two-dimensional f..(SktbHUzG)
(+) Read values of an inverse ..(SkvZFq2h)
Recognize that sequences are f..(SmHAxR69)
Fit a linear function for a sc..(SmMWjdof)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(SmRhoSNn)
Find the greatest common facto..(SmT8h4pU)
Work with equal groups of obje..(SmenhrU7)
(+) Understand and apply the L..(Smn7Rm9z)
Use tiling to show in a concre..(SmubUKgV)
Geometric measurement: underst..(Sn95NfQq)
Decompose numbers less than or..(SnTEqDoM)
Measurement and Data..(SnaUXwd9)
(+) Find the conjugate of a co..(SnbQPMFz)
Understand the absolute value ..(SngukSCQ)
Recognize angle measure as add..(SnofSeHi)
Explain equivalence of fractio..(SnvmJsSf)
Solve real world problems invo..(SoDJjXPH)
Statistics and Probability..(S95piyQ)
For exponential models, expres..(S38yeQYP)
Determine the unknown whole nu..(S3FujVyj)
Measurement and Data..(S3yBYroa)
Solve real world problems invo..(S5KhjWwr)
Construct and interpret two-wa..(S73CqUTF)
Expressions and Equations..(S7VqVGaU)
Use the mean and standard devi..(S7q6KsK2)
Identify when two expressions ..(S94b7WA7)
Rearrange formulas to highligh..(SARtkArm)
Solve problems involving the f..(SBPfHxiP)
Expressing Geometric Propertie..(SC3buKCJ)
Use place value understanding ..(SCDZFYHi)
Reasoning with Equations and I..(SDPssokA)
Trigonometric Functions..(SDp5ZvJr)
Relating the choice of measure..(SEqBZvNC)
Evaluate reports based on data..(SFXhHGxF)
Understand that a two-dimensio..(SG4oPqmj)
Rewrite rational expressions..(SGes3Aic)
Apply trigonometry to general ..(SGjmRzf3)
(+) Construct a tangent line f..(SH5Xjkws)
(+) Understand that, unlike mu..(SLYitTtJ)
(+) Produce an invertible func..(SMfHkm3R)
Recognize area as additive. Fi..(SMjhXown)
Expressions and Equations..(SMoSEZW9)
For any number from 1 to 9, fi..(SNgb66eB)
Convert a rational number to a..(SPuSqrrt)
Apply properties of operations..(SQHmKNoB)
Make geometric constructions..(SRtcsmYZ)
Represent and interpret data...(SST8KeVy)
(+) Graph rational functions, ..(SSo98Hjk)
(+) Represent a system of line..(STyuPoXb)
Represent and solve equations ..(SU5MvymQ)
Using Probability to Make Deci..(SW4ezDsH)
Write an inequality of the for..(SX9f9KhT)
Explain what a point (x, y) on..(SXHawsNL)
Compare two three-digit number..(SXhyXXuo)
(+) Use permutations and combi..(SYyvU4WJ)
Geometric measurement: recogni..(SZa6XTgP)
Use coordinates to compute per..(Sa622BRf)
Distinguish comparisons of abs..(SaMbWkcJ)
Grade 3..(SaVPFKes)
Understand that patterns of as..(SbRKDDvr)
Use ratio reasoning to convert..(SbXaMDCf)
Solve word problems involving ..(SbxbHuzY)
(+) Develop a probability dist..(SdQTV4PJ)
Compare two fractions with the..(SddUYfCu)
Measure to determine how much ..(SfMi8AuD)
Perform operations with number..(SfkQCykW)
Develop definitions of rotatio..(SgAYNAks)
Work with addition and subtrac..(Sh7cJ3j8)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(ShGEUZN5)
Mentally add 10 or 100 to a gi..(ShJPPCce)
Represent three-dimensional fi..(ShWXCTfJ)
(+) Use the unit circle to exp..(SkZRFa5x)
Vector and Matrix Quantities..(Sm3QtriY)
Find probabilities of compound..(Smhi8H8i)
Grade 4..(S9ZNoWMY)
Number and Operations—Fraction..(SAaJnh8x)
Number and Operations—Fraction..(SAih67cp)
Fluently add and subtract with..(SBYHN2Yq)
Graph exponential and logarith..(SEu9kLo2)
Statistics and Probability..(SEwoR778)
Given a geometric figure and a..(SKVXikM4)
Explain why addition and subtr..(SMiy2Ecw)
Number and Operations—Fraction..(SP7rse7F)
Use informal arguments to esta..(SU7ZT5d5)
(+) Find the inverse of a matr..(SUt2YKFs)
Geometric Measurement and Dime..(SYVN2CkR)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SarAb4BM)
Recognize and explain the conc..(SeytmxhX)
Statistics and Probability..(SgEhwwHm)
(+) Understand that the zero a..(SgjkpL7v)
Modeling with Geometry..(SRZC7kKj)
Grade 5..(SkmPZuKj)
(+) Multiply a vector (regarde..(SnPh8BYZ)
Grade 6..(S9EFhQ6y)
(+) Work with 2 × 2 matrices a..(SfLvZmXb)
Grade 7..(S5xz8fhg)
Grade 8..(SDEMXpuJ)
High School — Number and Quant..(S6QQZoLJ)
High School — Algebra..(SL9JZbpE)
High School — Functions..(SnUs948z)
High School — Geometry..(S38HhujB)
High School — Statistics and P..(Sc8Qk77V)
Generalize place value underst..(SArZev8)
Fit a function to the data; us..(SJfH4Nk)
(+) Derive the formula A = 1/2..(SXFYLwT)
Prove theorems about triangles..(Sku7fdD)
Describe situations in which o..(S34sBo4i)
doc root..(S3SH6H3a)
Lines are taken to lines, and ..(S3beZxLQ)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(S3mXwywZ)
Understand the relationship be..(S3z5Eemh)
Write a function that describe..(S44sXUSd)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(S4849D25)
Identify and describe shapes (..(S4bffBFd)
Know the formulas for the area..(S4g5dqHS)
Construct and interpret scatte..(S4vzyYeY)
Apply properties of operations..(S4zha66E)
Distinguish between situations..(S5J7DEcU)
Solve problems involving measu..(S5SsFhHU)
Understand that polynomials fo..(S5XMR32y)
Graph points on the coordinate..(S5hhh8J6)
Display numerical data in plot..(S5s2BWPF)
Understand ratio concepts and ..(S6KDdiHg)
Understand that solutions to a..(S6RxKyRD)
Read and write decimals to tho..(S6efgsDY)
Convert among different-sized ..(S6pbj73M)
Give an informal argument for ..(S7RBtHoN)
(+) Recognize vector quantitie..(S7TrNBbp)
Generate measurement data by m..(S7gnphMA)
Interpret products of whole nu..(S7hqygWt)
Interpret and compute quotient..(S7uJUork)
Find the area of a rectangle w..(S8UQ5Rq7)
Understand solving an equation..(S8abVnYu)
Give examples of linear equati..(S8pn9QEw)
Represent addition and subtrac..(S8tSYhTk)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(S8vjZmoR)
Generate two numerical pattern..(S8waYdsi)
Know number names and the coun..(S92ebzWB)
Count to 120, starting at any ..(S96iMjnM)
Understand that attributes bel..(S97i9pBL)
Find the volume of a right rec..(S9MkVUn8)
Extend the domain of trigonome..(S9WWvGvN)
Determine an explicit expressi..(S9ZB32pi)
Measure and estimate lengths i..(S9nVnsR5)
Describe events as subsets of ..(SA2aSE7Z)
Solve two-step word problems u..(SA3zuA5Y)
Derive the equation of a circl..(SAa2RKvj)
Recognize the purposes of and ..(SAqeBkrT)
Reason quantitatively and use ..(SBDZBZPp)
Draw a scaled picture graph an..(SBcAnx2T)
Understand statistics as a pro..(SBs6Yt2a)
Understand that the probabilit..(SBwaCKwq)
Explain why the sum or product..(SCQhVQoE)
Add and subtract fractions wit..(SD2RFn5L)
Understand a fraction a/b with..(SD6bfmuK)
Comparing the size of a produc..(SDDroiJq)
Recognize and draw shapes havi..(SDMcrV9e)
Express a fraction with denomi..(SDUU4ncq)
Compose and decompose numbers ..(SDu7KzP5)
Reason with shapes and their a..(SDvDgPTb)
Convert like measurement units..(SE8aa6o7)
(+) Define a random variable f..(SEHBq5n2)
Understand the concept of a ra..(SEKAdb7F)
Know and apply the properties ..(SEcAq48a)
Construct and compare linear, ..(SEcH8CcQ)
Summarize categorical data for..(SEdo6A5A)
Fluently multiply multi-digit ..(SEjJ9qMN)
Write and evaluate numerical e..(SEm994vQ)
Understand and evaluate random..(SEwdiNNc)
Graph linear and quadratic fun..(SF2ykh6z)
Factor a quadratic expression ..(SFLnjocn)
Represent and solve problems i..(SFPLRUjn)
Understand that the three digi..(SFTrDFxU)
Interpret parts of an expressi..(SFV5thPg)
Recognize opposite signs of nu..(SFYVy7xD)
Calculate expected values and ..(SFjxogZX)
Informally assess the degree o..(SFy3fUL6)
Solve real world and mathemati..(SG6UDjhy)
Use coordinates to prove simpl..(SGLYWrWa)
Interpret expressions that rep..(SGLdakJo)
Investigate patterns of associ..(SGN9FuBQ)
Reason with shapes and their a..(SGe3eU6s)
Reason with shapes and their a..(SGfWYnjm)
Prove theorems about lines and..(SGsS5ZV6)
Understand place value...(SGwTzxuq)
Analyze proportional relations..(SHCTRgE8)
Relate counting to addition an..(SHDjRxim)
An angle is measured with refe..(SHHLotT3)
Fluently divide multi-digit nu..(SHHo6kG7)
(+) Weigh the possible outcome..(SHUa2ej8)
Understand congruence and simi..(SHfQGdJC)
Interpret division of a unit f..(SHjkTmVV)
Use the four operations with w..(SHnsCDnJ)
Use a pair of perpendicular nu..(SJ5de68q)
Work with radicals and integer..(SJMK3ApG)
Explain each step in solving a..(SJMruRa8)
Fluently add and subtract with..(SJPjUf2h)
Draw and identify lines and an..(SJwT9q6a)
Organize, represent, and inter..(SJwgXsWj)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SKP4kAZu)
Use equivalent fractions as a ..(SKpmkiKR)
Determine whether a group of o..(SLJrxs8m)
Order three objects by length;..(SLWnuPW5)
Draw, construct, and describe ..(SLiijXib)
Tell and write time to the nea..(SME784q8)
Perform arithmetic operations ..(SMPRutGg)
Add within 100, including addi..(SMQGE72Z)
Derive using similarity the fa..(SMbfNQwG)
Understand that, just as with ..(SMbx2eYu)
Interpret statements of inequa..(SMwmpkG5)
Know relative sizes of measure..(SNXH5nVM)
Represent scalar multiplicatio..(SNhkXdVz)
Represent a fraction 1/b on a ..(SPC4UVqV)
Analyze and compare two- and t..(SPFv7w2R)
(+) Represent complex numbers ..(SPTyELBM)
Extend the counting sequence...(SQCqjfMm)
Fluently add and subtract mult..(SQEBPMCD)
Fluently multiply and divide w..(SQJ7cQUN)
Rewrite simple rational expres..(SQLQAeWj)
Develop a uniform probability ..(SQNZ2Yer)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SQVFmC6V)
Prove polynomial identities an..(SQieqGjW)
Apply geometric concepts in mo..(SQnYh7gy)
Apply properties of operations..(SQq5xSod)
Use random sampling to draw in..(SR7RGG8H)
Choose trigonometric functions..(SRCpyYMT)
Represent and model with vecto..(SRGFkF5a)
Know that numbers that are not..(SRJtjMrV)
Use addition and subtraction w..(SRVMQWiZ)
Solve problems involving measu..(SRnMwLVH)
Interpret the product (a/b) × ..(SRp57NLX)
Extend understanding of fracti..(SRtRZGNQ)
Understand and apply theorems ..(SRwJtWU3)
Understand that positive and n..(SS25ZpNk)
Recognize angles as geometric ..(SSFB5LHu)
Solve linear equations in one ..(SSSGuusA)
Understand radian measure of a..(SSWUoLNJ)
Use the method of completing t..(SSYvY8VV)
Know that there are numbers th..(SSgjJcAg)
Find all factor pairs for a wh..(SSjUdV65)
Understand a fraction 1/b as t..(ST7uZYQk)
Find the expected payoff for a..(STCWRBJG)
Know and apply the Remainder T..(STCZdGHp)
Counting and Cardinality..(STbhQpoV)
Tell and write time in hours a..(SToYHcfN)
Represent and solve problems i..(SU7iZ3RD)
Understand that by similarity,..(SUYqjVxv)
Write expressions that record ..(SUgfGbk4)
Use place value understanding ..(SUgq4JAQ)
Perform arithmetic operations ..(SUmgYP3t)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(SUopjhii)
Understand that a function fro..(SUygRdob)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(SV3c2ckL)
Define, evaluate, and compare ..(SVBmn8Bc)
Understand that statistics can..(SVNcdtiV)
Prove the Pythagorean identity..(SVXVtFeH)
Find the area of right triangl..(SVc8Suza)
Choose and produce an equivale..(SVhzcG5y)
Understand similarity in terms..(SVohDHGD)
Represent and solve problems i..(SVqVd6Lc)
Count to 100 by ones and by te..(SVvHk4Da)
Solve linear equations and ine..(SW7RdEEn)
Apply properties of operations..(SWJLjavR)
Understand the concept of a fu..(SWL2j7Z9)
Find the conditional probabili..(SWMEnzVj)
Understand independence and co..(SWS2tZMH)
A cube with side length 1 unit..(SWooEJGx)
Identify the effect on the gra..(SXBUmgcZ)
Understand the place value sys..(SXBiv2we)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SXBkctkx)
Recognize that in a multi-digi..(SXTHRpW7)
Reporting the number of observ..(SXTKCt4P)
Make formal geometric construc..(SXYSgv6F)
Recognize that in a multi-digi..(SXa5rjJF)
Develop understanding of fract..(SXdxjTAA)
Seeing Structure in Expression..(SXoDsogJ)
A square with side length 1 un..(SXoWW3cp)
Develop understanding of stati..(SYQHPR3S)
Use parentheses, brackets, or ..(SYWYbpWR)
Understand that the two digits..(SYZEohSY)
Solve multi-step real-life and..(SYiKfKzP)
Understand that multiplication..(SZtZdYGK)
Decide whether two quantities ..(SaDNr7Mq)
Understand solving equations a..(SaDbjjtB)
Interpret the parameters in a ..(SaKjKTUn)
Understand addition and subtra..(SaRMiCzw)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SaoRg4rV)
Interpreting Categorical and Q..(Saz2cy3c)
Verify experimentally the prop..(SbQt2tgs)
Translate between the geometri..(SbjPXHSx)
Prove that all circles are sim..(SboWPRq9)
Identify whether the number of..(Sbqj4jTg)
Explain a proof of the Pythago..(ScFeVab2)
Interpret the slope (rate of c..(ScHFees7)
Recognize a statistical questi..(ScRDiZ8A)
Identify the shapes of two-dim..(ScVq6Azw)
Describe and compare measurabl..(Scm3g3BK)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(Scp5BJz6)
Make a line plot to display a ..(ScvViiU5)
Measure lengths indirectly and..(Sd9ptXsJ)
Build a function that models a..(SdTRBtLk)
Use geometric shapes, their me..(SdZPEos6)
100 can be thought of as a bun..(Sdoeq9J4)
Use units as a way to understa..(SeDTh7NZ)
Interpret a multiplication equ..(SeLoyeaC)
Make a line plot to display a ..(SeRgDgK5)
Prove that linear functions gr..(SeavNEnU)
Construct a function to model ..(SeoMa9gZ)
A dilation takes a line not pa..(Sev3qQEB)
Use addition and subtraction w..(SfEmui8w)
The Real Number System..(SfLGSrw2)
Create equations that describe..(SfSV7vbp)
Use place value understanding ..(SfTLvJZn)
Distinguish between defining a..(SfXMuYiM)
Know there is a complex number..(SfYEF57a)
Draw points, lines, line segme..(SfdE4EFC)
Make tables of equivalent rati..(SfukFpsr)
Summarize, represent, and inte..(SgD7a4qR)
Solve an equation of the form ..(SgPsUphn)
(+) Add and subtract vectors...(SgU9MLsb)
Explain volume formulas and us..(SgqX8BvC)
Compute unit rates associated ..(SgycVe7s)
Use addition and subtraction w..(ShNxPgJF)
Classify objects into given ca..(ShQ73jtN)
Experiment with transformation..(ShTBkJG9)
Verify experimentally the prop..(ShXPZWPL)
Interpret a fraction as divisi..(ShmBkPCp)
Graph functions expressed symb..(ShnMDK98)
Prove that, given a system of ..(ShogPHwk)
Solve word problems leading to..(Shr4qHB5)
Work with numbers 11—19 to gai..(ShsxuvvN)
Use the process of factoring a..(Si6bRY2j)
Measure the length of an objec..(SiCBHQka)
Tell and write time from analo..(SiF9hVAs)
Use properties of operations t..(SiFVXDeS)
Recognize volume as an attribu..(SiVThqGh)
When counting objects, say the..(SicJmZS5)
Generate a number or shape pat..(Sirv43UD)
Use variables to represent two..(Sj3RwxPu)
Know the formulas for the volu..(Sj6aDKvz)
Interpreting Functions..(Sj9fQLRC)
Use geometric descriptions of ..(SjCR3RDA)
Recognize area as an attribute..(SjKGbBJr)
Understand addition as putting..(SjRz3kTt)
Interpret the structure of exp..(SjhDApLX)
Understand that shapes in diff..(SjkRgHsu)
Graph proportional relationshi..(Sjn5pq6X)
Describe objects in the enviro..(SjqdGCB9)
Solve problems involving scale..(Sk8jTE6J)
Explain why a fraction a/b is ..(SkAUrjzT)
Write and interpret numerical ..(SkEZE7kR)
Represent data with plots on t..(SkM9seAq)
Describe measurable attributes..(SkNaQJMP)
10 can be thought of as a bund..(SkVSk8RT)
Grade 1..(Skm6yxdY)
Understand two fractions as eq..(SktSwPR9)
Explain how the definition of ..(SmEKbz5f)
Fluently add and subtract with..(SmRajZyh)
Know precise definitions of an..(SmhptHmn)
For a function that models a r..(SmxPuEDW)
(+) Use matrices to represent ..(Sn9EUDde)
Grade K..(SnDcnLxB)
Add vectors end-to-end, compon..(SnLNuECo)
Create equations and inequalit..(SnPjbaS6)
Extend the properties of expon..(Sne7m2Af)
Understand that the graph of a..(SnkXepw8)
Solve quadratic equations with..(Snn8fFeH)
Understand a fraction a/b as a..(So7X5C5i)
Understand the meaning of the ..(SoDUg3K8)
Understand that a function is ..(SoNgjvkp)
Use place value understanding ..(S4XfFDc)
Interpret whole-number quotien..(S79yyRL)
Use variables to represent qua..(SBWtAxj)
Perform operations with multi-..(SGRa4Ax)
Derive the equation of a parab..(STbj9zY)
Compare properties of two func..(SsbmJCq)
Represent and interpret data...(S3Cv2fqx)
Develop a probability model (w..(S3LV7cEJ)
Given a two-digit number, ment..(S3kEjXPj)
Relate addition and subtractio..(S3pUqbQS)
Arithmetic with Polynomials an..(S4WkuN35)
Multiply or divide to solve wo..(S4ocJ5ob)
An angle that turns through n ..(S4qUb7Ra)
(+) Understand that restrictin..(S5C2Q36E)
Grade 1..(S5Mdav7v)
Informally assess the fit of a..(S5bguzRK)
Angles are taken to angles of ..(S5dAuDWK)
Apply the formulas V = l × w ×..(S5xqwm9T)
Represent sample spaces for co..(S64iLVme)
Measure volumes by counting un..(S6Px9PRG)
Summarize and describe distrib..(S6oe6TUB)
Find the area of a rectangle w..(S6omGUCy)
Use probability to evaluate ou..(S6uncRDC)
Solve systems of linear equati..(S6vcGnEq)
Use place value understanding ..(S76ctUeA)
Identify and describe relation..(S7ByKNnU)
Understand a multiple of a/b a..(S7cGqsbq)
Understand congruence in terms..(S82wnGpt)
Decompose a fraction into a su..(S82zdonP)
(+) Prove the addition and sub..(S86aeety)
Model shapes in the world by b..(S87xuATD)
Solve word problems involving ..(S8bj4VcY)
Directly compare two objects w..(S8fayuxf)
Given two figures, use the def..(S8xKzWbB)
Understand the concept of a un..(S936UhgH)
Represent complex numbers and ..(S98zbNZV)
Perform operations on vectors...(S9HrTEcr)
Understand that the last numbe..(S9LHnvmb)
Use coordinates to prove simpl..(S9Mebowq)
Analyze, compare, create, and ..(S9PrQ5br)
Building Functions..(S9mFy2Dv)
(+) Prove the Laws of Sines an..(S9o8dxJ4)
Prove theorems about triangles..(S9udYbHP)
Use congruence and similarity ..(SA77MPfR)
Decide if a specified model is..(SA7LQxzA)
Represent and interpret data...(SAHawxGk)
Model periodic phenomena with ..(SATsuu63)
Understand that a set of data ..(SAWD6P4e)
Construct an equilateral trian..(SB6Lb2Uf)
Recognize and generate simple ..(SBgC9UcU)
Add up to four two-digit numbe..(SBtsYk2i)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SByk6tCh)
Describing the nature of the a..(SC9ywXB8)
Write a function defined by an..(SCAxSLhk)
Solve real-life and mathematic..(SCMAsM6y)
(+) Multiply a vector by a sca..(SCPWZv6Q)
Use function notation, evaluat..(SCSyYmkd)
Describe qualitatively the fun..(SCh69cuN)
Understand a rational number a..(SDcbRZNe)
Gain familiarity with factors ..(SDdHxCnh)
Apply concepts of density base..(SDdPq6PS)
Complete the square in a quadr..(SDpU4C2F)
Solve real-life and mathematic..(SEMEuypd)
Find whole-number quotients of..(SEQwGXR3)
Understand subtraction as an u..(SEVB7Eue)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SErM5xQq)
Use the structure of an expres..(SF5f7JAK)
Solve systems of two linear eq..(SFHkZyFj)
Determine the unknown whole nu..(SFMc7kRD)
Solve unit rate problems inclu..(SFNBBZtw)
Partition a rectangle into row..(SFRaGV8E)
Ratios and Proportional Relati..(SFbSKhxD)
Measure and estimate liquid vo..(SFtS9HfJ)
Interpret division of a whole ..(SGEfbZfQ)
(+) Give an informal argument ..(SHNNHtaX)
Reason about and solve one-var..(SHeg6Y2G)
Build fractions from unit frac..(SHhY3EC9)
Summarize numerical data sets ..(SHu8ouqR)
Tell and write time...(SHvJC2Lz)
Understand properties of multi..(SJ3UhNa6)
Draw a picture graph and a bar..(SJQkif6y)
Compare two fractions with dif..(SJXfrkKt)
Interpret functions that arise..(SJnnzQya)
Use the relation i² = -1 and t..(SJoxUfG4)
Write arithmetic and geometric..(SJs4Tvjo)
Add and subtract within 20...(SJsGacTk)
Explaining why multiplying a g..(SKCcyDLs)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SKJAwKga)
Define appropriate quantities ..(SKJkZUYU)
(+) Understand that rational e..(SKSxUSmz)
Make inferences and justify co..(SKkCosyG)
Use the four operations to sol..(SKpUW47X)
Use decimal notation for fract..(SLKfrwxZ)
Read and write multi-digit who..(SLMbheL5)
Explain why the x-coordinates ..(SLcJ6gpZ)
Represent transformations in t..(SLeaJn3E)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SLegpBdn)
Prove the slope criteria for p..(SLghqSF4)
Rewrite expressions involving ..(SLkvFixc)
Explain and use the relationsh..(SM5GSSnW)
Solve word problems that call ..(SMKYVgKX)
Correctly name shapes regardle..(SMWYcXDa)
(+) Find the components of a v..(SMuc2EJX)
Use addition to find the total..(SN8Bkmmn)
Count to answer "how many?" qu..(SNNzi44r)
Write simple expressions that ..(SNWPJ253)
Evaluate and compare strategie..(SNYvB5Zz)
Given two vectors in magnitude..(SNZDgXdN)
Classify two-dimensional figur..(SNheB6B8)
Add and subtract within 20, de..(SNknTbnh)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SP3oCVez)
Explain patterns in the number..(SP59e5Uf)
(+) Know and apply the Binomia..(SPAonBK9)
Count forward beginning from a..(SPUhnkn8)
Visualize relationships betwee..(SPwGdocs)
Explain how the unit circle in..(SQ3VTw77)
Fluently add, subtract, multip..(SQDoj9SZ)
Use similar triangles to expla..(SQP5UY6H)
Find inverse functions...(SQtDcJss)
Compare two numbers between 1 ..(SR4A7jDb)
(+) Verify by composition that..(SRN4eFhg)
Interpret complicated expressi..(SRRVv82e)
Understand and apply propertie..(SRSWwAuL)
Solve quadratic equations in o..(SRuteXQu)
Find arc lengths and areas of ..(SS7sh82D)
Graph square root, cube root, ..(SSBEyM3E)
Solve quadratic equations by i..(SSKGrTA9)
Solve addition and subtraction..(SSNKaViY)
Compute fluently with multi-di..(SSRxNJa7)
Interpret expressions for func..(SScoLTTy)
Apply the Pythagorean Theorem ..(SSmk9zXz)
Use functions to model relatio..(SSmzDExA)
Write, interpret, and explain ..(STDsouPr)
Understand the connections bet..(STKQnQAT)
Recognize situations in which ..(STL97DYi)
Identify the constant of propo..(STLz4LKk)
Represent whole numbers as len..(STRDLvmz)
Build new functions from exist..(STY7hyB8)
The numbers 100, 200, 300, 400..(SUEZuB6w)
Use facts about supplementary,..(SUJwrefQ)
Classify objects and count the..(SUMdJQ6r)
Solve word problems leading to..(SUZQyVkk)
The numbers from 11 to 19 are ..(SUxc7qks)
Compute (using technology) and..(SVAEqT5c)
Use data from a sample survey ..(SVJYKzi9)
Classify two-dimensional figur..(SVQQxUaD)
Making Inferences and Justifyi..(SVV3RZEN)
Draw informal comparative infe..(SW2LAd7U)
(+) Multiply matrices by scala..(SW2uWomq)
Ratios and Proportional Relati..(SWNuBT5k)
Identify arithmetic patterns (..(SWUxEGtu)
Measure angles in whole-number..(SWYu9Cxi)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SWcNceyR)
Understand that rewriting an e..(SWiZqRB2)
Identify parts of an expressio..(SWnjLDEs)
(+) Represent addition, subtra..(SX8CEVuJ)
Apply the Addition Rule, P(A o..(SXTVPNgK)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SXXXeHMN)
Understand a fraction as a num..(SXatuHNE)
Solve simple rational and radi..(SXm5hbiu)
Solve equations and inequaliti..(SXzYBSHt)
Understand division as an unkn..(SYBiU6A4)
Use data from a random sample ..(SYDTMePV)
Know that straight lines are w..(SYWUWG4W)
Understand p + q as the number..(SYcCM4xG)
Partition shapes into parts wi..(SYdW8m48)
Understand the relationship be..(SYhFdYzA)
Find the volume of a right rec..(SYhhBm3o)
Prove theorems involving simil..(SZBnwLSi)
Represent and interpret data...(SZLNnQBu)
Solve linear equations with ra..(SZb9h76X)
Recognize and represent propor..(SZyfVrsb)
Write expressions in equivalen..(Sa3gqzcF)
(+) Calculate the expected val..(SaX4HxSU)
Understand that two events A a..(SaiHGSvD)
Summarize, represent, and inte..(SbKfXqui)
Use square root and cube root ..(SbNHB2Rt)
Use variables to represent num..(SbckUxCJ)
Write, read, and evaluate expr..(Sbn96Ar5)
Compose two-dimensional shapes..(Sc8q96Ve)
Understand signs of numbers in..(ScTbS9Cu)
Construct linear and exponenti..(ScXXZMUe)
Use statistics appropriate to ..(SdLvJEoq)
The Number System..(SdcMN528)
Use the rules of probability t..(Sds73Cvq)
Understand place value...(SeFUu2yU)
Fluently add and subtract with..(SeNEQpGJ)
Solve word problems involving ..(SesjtKXo)
Measure the length of an objec..(SeuDnKAX)
Multiply side lengths to find ..(Sf7ennYr)
Use the definition of congruen..(SfDKxqB2)
Measure areas by counting unit..(SfFUrGmQ)
Use properties of rational and..(SfJB4PT7)
Classify two-dimensional figur..(SfW7WEp5)
(+) Extend polynomial identiti..(Sg4BwGuD)
(+) Use probabilities to make ..(Sg6aw4Hr)
Understand that integers can b..(SgQHiV9V)
Analyze patterns and relations..(SgsyedeX)
Derive the formula for the sum..(Sgte3kfE)
Apply and extend previous unde..(Sh4hYwT8)
Use measures of center and mea..(ShEJTh6c)
Approximate the probability of..(ShYJxxiL)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SheBuve8)
The dilation of a line segment..(Si4CFjzs)
Count within 1000; skip-count ..(SiJJJux8)
Express the length of an objec..(SiiCoAGP)
Similarity, Right Triangles, a..(SiswYttA)
Relate the domain of a functio..(Sj5gf2aC)
Represent data on two quantita..(SjJFMXN6)
Analyze and solve pairs of sim..(SjqvsFy3)
Count to tell the number of ob..(SkTbXTMK)
A solid figure which can be pa..(Skx2fd4d)
Understand and apply the Pytha..(Sm3RF6TQ)
Identify zeros of polynomials ..(SmKbyWco)
Compare two decimals to thousa..(SmRimviy)
Represent a fraction a/b on a ..(SmVWKiiU)
Use rational approximations of..(Smu7b8Wu)
Understand that a two-dimensio..(Sn9DPHBy)
Generate measurement data by m..(SnEAKeg5)
Multiply a whole number of up ..(SnG2wLWb)
Compare two two-digit numbers ..(SnG8mTNT)
Combine standard function type..(SnJmcbg6)
Create equations in two or mor..(SnPi9Kpj)
Compute the magnitude of a sca..(SnQpyerx)
Represent real world and mathe..(SnThfCL3)
Draw (freehand, with ruler and..(Sntexs7i)
A plane figure which can be co..(So7WST6k)
Use the properties of exponent..(SoKSmj9q)
Operations and Algebraic Think..(SoTj4FaM)
Grade 2..(SQhUZbb)
Represent constraints by equat..(STjEkWy)
Solve word problems involving ..(Sf2UXe8)
Compare two decimals to hundre..(SsDcZvo)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(S3GPYJrZ)
Prove geometric theorems..(S3YAWtFz)
The Number System..(S3kBTc9d)
(+) Develop a probability dist..(S3oz8TVj)
Measurement and Data..(S3wKKmQq)
(+) Use inverse functions to s..(S4H3H9BE)
Construct the inscribed and ci..(S4HH8C3S)
Measurement and Data..(S4ezJyKp)
Describe the effect of dilatio..(S4kQpZyw)
Understand that each successiv..(S5JLkFPQ)
Understand ordering and absolu..(S5UpQNn8)
Parallel lines are taken to pa..(S5sYs7fr)
Apply the Pythagorean Theorem ..(S6oENnxW)
Express whole numbers as fract..(S724FPXj)
Graph the solutions to a linea..(S79KyaAd)
Use multiplication and divisio..(S7LtaD4S)
Represent and analyze quantita..(S7PCDwEn)
Apply and extend previous unde..(S7XhJzPv)
Use ratio and rate reasoning t..(S7efueBr)
Compare numbers...(S7xReQdH)
Apply the properties of operat..(S8ELtAR8)
Use trigonometric ratios and t..(S8Kpi9T9)
Use volume formulas for cylind..(S8Nvycar)
(+) Compose functions...(S8ZZaeGn)
Add, subtract, multiply, and d..(S8iYLWFJ)
Represent proportional relatio..(S8ybmtNQ)
Use complex numbers in polynom..(S9NbmkVh)
(+) Derive the equations of el..(S9gQVCQm)
Add and subtract mixed numbers..(S9s7jyeE)
Multiply one-digit whole numbe..(SA6r6t4s)
Conditional Probability and th..(SA7cdcU8)
Expressions and Equations..(SALBcXWA)
Measurement and Data..(SAR8UjZL)
Subtract multiples of 10 in th..(SAs2kq4s)
(+) Use special triangles to d..(SB8yb6LN)
Given a rectangle, parallelogr..(SBR5ijXw)
Solve systems of equations..(SBqF2kX2)
(+) Apply the general Multipli..(SCALcEBF)
Graph polynomial functions, id..(SChiYqWR)
Design and use a simulation to..(SDonLyM4)
(+) Analyze decisions and stra..(SDxYwYyE)
Analyze functions using differ..(SDyrVP8T)
Generate and analyze patterns...(SECGDZaw)
(+) Understand the inverse rel..(SEhoJaKj)
Geometric measurement: underst..(SEqjr5Tz)
Read and write numbers to 1000..(SFUQfcQu)
Understand the conditional pro..(SGgGM4AQ)
Use numbers expressed in the f..(SGhWkb2C)
Read, write, and compare decim..(SGx7Nh2J)
Prove theorems about parallelo..(SHhbubWA)
Use the equation of a linear m..(SHjoaZXD)
Represent and interpret data...(SHuYjwKK)
(+) Solve problems involving v..(SJAn3NXM)
Recognize volume as additive. ..(SJFdex4a)
Apply the area and perimeter f..(SKE6vvnH)
Identify shapes as two-dimensi..(SKo6GJqG)
Perform operations on matrices..(SLKj4mkZ)
Geometric measurement: underst..(SLd3ETmL)
Measurement and Data..(SLpHMvvJ)
Add and subtract within 20...(SMJbbnas)
Analyze and solve linear equat..(SMZVEK6q)
The Complex Number System..(SMgdAL25)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(SNZMRnNL)
Distinguish between correlatio..(SNb8G4Xo)
(+) Know the Fundamental Theor..(SNm3JEV2)
Calculate and interpret the av..(SPq97UEk)
Creating Equations..(SPrzYxMv)
The Number System..(SQQHD8zR)
Use the properties of similari..(SQqo9Usq)
(+) Add, subtract, and multipl..(SS8avkpe)
Use place value understanding ..(SSe7W9GN)
Find a percent of a quantity a..(SSptAaVW)
Use polynomial identities to s..(STHnD2mz)
Linear, Quadratic, and Exponen..(STRwBdyP)
Recognize situations in which ..(STef8bKB)
Relate area to the operations ..(SVBoXiZw)
Add and subtract within 1000, ..(SVR8e3bn)
Apply properties of operations..(SVkjgTb9)
Giving quantitative measures o..(SWMySF3R)
Use place value understanding ..(SWeXDmzj)
Draw polygons in the coordinat..(SXL8aPqM)
Find the point on a directed l..(SXZYRjkt)
Understand vector subtraction ..(SXcJUhWA)
Use data from a randomized exp..(SXdE7unZ)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(SXePjZYH)
Understand subtraction of rati..(SXtuU4M4)
(+) Calculate the distance bet..(SXzrdfYj)
Recognize that a measure of ce..(SY4WzS9B)
Evaluate expressions at specif..(SYZPuYW9)
Define trigonometric ratios an..(SYcDoQPg)
Apply geometric methods to sol..(SaNawGNF)
Work with time and money...(SagNNFtK)
Explain how the criteria for t..(SamF9Tv3)
Use proportional relationships..(SbEFGy99)
Compose simple shapes to form ..(SbQpHqDg)
Find whole-number quotients an..(SbUt9iQQ)
Interpret the equation y = mx ..(ScdY6xj4)
Observe using graphs and table..(ScjFQaXo)
Relate volume to the operation..(SdV6z26R)
Solve multistep word problems ..(SdxsGHSu)
Investigate chance processes a..(SeFdewyn)
The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50..(SeZ86XiS)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(Sf5sdEQM)
Interpret differences in shape..(SfbDY73P)
Partition circles and rectangl..(SgAvfsRy)
Recognize a line of symmetry f..(SgmeYEsi)
Multiply and divide within 100..(Sgzu3eMi)
Estimate lengths using units o..(Sh5UJ5Wr)
Solve a simple system consisti..(Sh8id9As)
Use the properties of exponent..(ShWjBcEC)
Partition circles and rectangl..(ShngxPrr)
Develop a probability model an..(Shnjc4XP)
Find and position integers and..(SiUG9coG)
Understand decimal notation fo..(SjA8LVdB)
Interpret linear models..(SjTNLbFq)
Number and Operations in Base ..(SjWqcJri)
Interpret multiplication as sc..(Sjb9eZEd)
Write numbers from 0 to 20. Re..(SjdE3moR)
Choose a level of accuracy app..(Sjt2DX3S)
Compare properties of two func..(SkDbDfrB)
Prove and apply trigonometric ..(SkrjGuUi)
Describe the two-dimensional f..(SktbHUzG)
(+) Read values of an inverse ..(SkvZFq2h)
Recognize that sequences are f..(SmHAxR69)
Fit a linear function for a sc..(SmMWjdof)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(SmRhoSNn)
Find the greatest common facto..(SmT8h4pU)
Work with equal groups of obje..(SmenhrU7)
(+) Understand and apply the L..(Smn7Rm9z)
Use tiling to show in a concre..(SmubUKgV)
Geometric measurement: underst..(Sn95NfQq)
Decompose numbers less than or..(SnTEqDoM)
Measurement and Data..(SnaUXwd9)
(+) Find the conjugate of a co..(SnbQPMFz)
Understand the absolute value ..(SngukSCQ)
Recognize angle measure as add..(SnofSeHi)
Explain equivalence of fractio..(SnvmJsSf)
Solve real world problems invo..(SoDJjXPH)
Statistics and Probability..(S95piyQ)
For exponential models, expres..(S38yeQYP)
Determine the unknown whole nu..(S3FujVyj)
Measurement and Data..(S3yBYroa)
Solve real world problems invo..(S5KhjWwr)
Construct and interpret two-wa..(S73CqUTF)
Expressions and Equations..(S7VqVGaU)
Use the mean and standard devi..(S7q6KsK2)
Identify when two expressions ..(S94b7WA7)
Rearrange formulas to highligh..(SARtkArm)
Solve problems involving the f..(SBPfHxiP)
Expressing Geometric Propertie..(SC3buKCJ)
Use place value understanding ..(SCDZFYHi)
Reasoning with Equations and I..(SDPssokA)
Trigonometric Functions..(SDp5ZvJr)
Relating the choice of measure..(SEqBZvNC)
Evaluate reports based on data..(SFXhHGxF)
Understand that a two-dimensio..(SG4oPqmj)
Rewrite rational expressions..(SGes3Aic)
Apply trigonometry to general ..(SGjmRzf3)
(+) Construct a tangent line f..(SH5Xjkws)
(+) Understand that, unlike mu..(SLYitTtJ)
(+) Produce an invertible func..(SMfHkm3R)
Recognize area as additive. Fi..(SMjhXown)
Expressions and Equations..(SMoSEZW9)
For any number from 1 to 9, fi..(SNgb66eB)
Convert a rational number to a..(SPuSqrrt)
Apply properties of operations..(SQHmKNoB)
Make geometric constructions..(SRtcsmYZ)
Represent and interpret data...(SST8KeVy)
(+) Graph rational functions, ..(SSo98Hjk)
(+) Represent a system of line..(STyuPoXb)
Represent and solve equations ..(SU5MvymQ)
Using Probability to Make Deci..(SW4ezDsH)
Write an inequality of the for..(SX9f9KhT)
Explain what a point (x, y) on..(SXHawsNL)
Compare two three-digit number..(SXhyXXuo)
(+) Use permutations and combi..(SYyvU4WJ)
Geometric measurement: recogni..(SZa6XTgP)
Use coordinates to compute per..(Sa622BRf)
Distinguish comparisons of abs..(SaMbWkcJ)
Grade 3..(SaVPFKes)
Understand that patterns of as..(SbRKDDvr)
Use ratio reasoning to convert..(SbXaMDCf)
Solve word problems involving ..(SbxbHuzY)
(+) Develop a probability dist..(SdQTV4PJ)
Compare two fractions with the..(SddUYfCu)
Measure to determine how much ..(SfMi8AuD)
Perform operations with number..(SfkQCykW)
Develop definitions of rotatio..(SgAYNAks)
Work with addition and subtrac..(Sh7cJ3j8)
Solve real-world and mathemati..(ShGEUZN5)
Mentally add 10 or 100 to a gi..(ShJPPCce)
Represent three-dimensional fi..(ShWXCTfJ)
(+) Use the unit circle to exp..(SkZRFa5x)
Vector and Matrix Quantities..(Sm3QtriY)
Find probabilities of compound..(Smhi8H8i)
Grade 4..(S9ZNoWMY)
Number and Operations—Fraction..(SAaJnh8x)
Number and Operations—Fraction..(SAih67cp)
Fluently add and subtract with..(SBYHN2Yq)
Graph exponential and logarith..(SEu9kLo2)
Statistics and Probability..(SEwoR778)
Given a geometric figure and a..(SKVXikM4)
Explain why addition and subtr..(SMiy2Ecw)
Number and Operations—Fraction..(SP7rse7F)
Use informal arguments to esta..(SU7ZT5d5)
(+) Find the inverse of a matr..(SUt2YKFs)
Geometric Measurement and Dime..(SYVN2CkR)
Apply and extend previous unde..(SarAb4BM)
Recognize and explain the conc..(SeytmxhX)
Statistics and Probability..(SgEhwwHm)
(+) Understand that the zero a..(SgjkpL7v)
Modeling with Geometry..(SRZC7kKj)
Grade 5..(SkmPZuKj)
(+) Multiply a vector (regarde..(SnPh8BYZ)
Grade 6..(S9EFhQ6y)
(+) Work with 2 × 2 matrices a..(SfLvZmXb)
Grade 7..(S5xz8fhg)
Grade 8..(SDEMXpuJ)
High School — Number and Quant..(S6QQZoLJ)
High School — Algebra..(SL9JZbpE)
High School — Functions..(SnUs948z)
High School — Geometry..(S38HhujB)
High School — Statistics and P..(Sc8Qk77V)